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The “Filter Plus” plugin is a fully translatable plugin. So, you can use the plugin in a local language-based store. Remember, we provide extended filter functionality, but we fetch the data from your WooCommerce store. In order to translate into a single language, we prefer the “Loco Translator” plugin.

Translation with Loco translator

Filter plus translation, Woooplugin.png

Go to the dashboard and then the plugins. Click “Add New” and search “Loco Translate” in the search box. You can see the plugin made by Tim Whitlock. Please install and activate it.

Filter plus translation, Woooplugin.png

In the next step, search for the plugin on the loco menu in the left sidebar menu. You can see it in the bottom area of the menu. Click on Filter Plus or Filter Plus Pro.

Filter plus translation, Woooplugin.png

Now, on the choose a language box, add your own language, update the file, and click on the strat translating button. It’s done now. Reload the page to see the live changes on the visitor’s end.

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